Henry Jang has been the President of CPS since 2012, he has been volunteered in lading CPS as a non-profit organization, serving the community, educating photographic art, and organizing the cross-nation cultural exchange. In addition, he has been the leader in the Chinese community in the San Francisco Bay Area.
May is the Federal designated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. President of San Francisco Chinatown Photographic Society (CPS) was invited to hold his world-class photographs in the Earl Warren Hiram W Johnson Building (State Building). The World Top-Ten Photographer Henry Jang Photo Expo was held from June 2, through June 9, 2023. This expo was sponsored by State Treasurer Fiona Ma and planned by Mr. Herby Lam as well as Oriental Printing Company.
Henry is a very accomplished and decorated photographer in the world. To name a few, he had been actively participating international salon exhibitions and won over one thousand awards, which included over 300 gold medals. In 2022, Photographic Society of America (PSA) named Henry Jang as the top-ten photographers in the World in the Travel section. In 2021 and 2022, he was name the number one outstanding photographer in the Chinese photograph arena in the world.
Henry has earned the titles from various international mainstream photographic organizations, including MPSA, EFIAP, APU, GAPU, MSSP, etc. The expo was very successful and well attended. Sing Tao Daily Newspaper and World Journal newspaper both published news to report this even.
Photos below were mainly taken by Mr. Li Ya Huang, Board member of CPS, as well as many CPS members.
五月是美國聯邦法定的亞裔與太平洋島國裔傳統紀念月。加州州政府位於三藩市的Earl Warren Hiram W Johnson Building州府大樓在加州財政部長馬世雲(Fiona Ma) 的支持下及林凱斌先生的策劃下,聯合多個亞裔團體展開亞裔藝術節。
鄭向陽在攝影領域里取得驕人的成績。近年積極參與國際沙龍攝影比賽,两年內獲得超過一千個獎項,在2022年被美國攝影學會 (PSA) 評選為旅遊組別的十大傑出攝影家之一,在2021和2022連續兩年獲得全球華人攝影十傑(綜合攝影系列)第一名的榮譽,並獲得PSA頒發的攝影大師(MPSA)名銜,國際影藝聯盟(FIAP)頒發的卓越攝影家 (EFIAP)名銜,亞洲攝影師聯盟(APU)頒發的金級攝影師 (GAPU)名銜。在這個攝影展覽中展出他部分的獲獎作品。
主辦單位: 美國三藩市華藝攝影學會
慶典活動總策劃:鄭向陽 (MPSA, EFIAP, GAPU, GMAPS, MSSP, Hon.CPE)
本期責任編輯: Donna Hom 丹菁 (PhD, MPSA, AFIAP, SAPU, MAPS)