Membership Benefits
三藩市華藝攝影學會成立于1967年,美國正式註冊的非牟利組織,至今已有超過半個世紀曆史的華人攝影團體。華藝是三藩市灣區歴史最悠久和最大的華人攝影藝術團體,也是全美最有歴史的華人攝影藝術團體之一。1967年秋,三藩市的攝影愛好者黃道華,雷燃燦,及趙暖沛等人籌畫組建此攝影學會,為三藩市灣區華人提供一個攝影活動的平臺。半個世紀以來,華藝攝影學會一直遵循 「以影會友,切壁磋影藝,增知廣識,服務社區」的宗旨,舉辦過國際沙龍,舉辦過專題比賽,名人影展、攝影和電腦課程等無數次大小型的藝術活動,培訓了一大批人才,吸引了無數愛好者加入攝影隊伍。現在華藝堅持每週都舉辦室內或戶外活動,例如邀請名人名家作專題講座、數碼相機的操作、電腦入門、PHOTOSHOP軟體運用、人像燈光造型攝影、名師作品欣賞、習作評講會、雙月賽活動等等室內活動,或者組織小組外拍、專題實習、巴士攝影旅遊等戶外活動。學會為僑社耆英提供了一個學攝影,電腦及相片製作的平臺,豐富了耆英晚年的文娛活動,吸引了來自灣區各地眾多的攝影愛好者參加。
- 凡熱愛攝影,認同本會宗旨的攝影愛好者,均可提出申請,經董事會批准可以加入本會。
- 每年交獲會費$60,于每年的3月1日前交費,過期不交者當自動退會,取消會員資格。
- 會員必須遵守本會的會規,董事會有權取消違規者的會員資格。
- 會員權益: 可參加本會組織舉辦的各項活動 (大部份免費)。
San Francisco Chinatown Photographic Society (CPS) was founded 55 years ago. We are the oldest and largest Chinese photography organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. In November 1967, CPS was founded by eight (8) first generation Chinese immigrants. Those founders are: Peter Wong, Yen Chan Lui, Melvin Chew, Sam Wong, Kingland Suen, Hilbert Lee, Tommy Yee and Git Lee. The mission of this organization is: to meet friends, to promote the arts of photography, to serve the community and provide an educational platform of photography for Chinese in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In the past 56 year, CPS had hosted International Salon Exhibitions and special theme photographic competitions, organized field photographic trips, offered photographic art classes, which included digital camera use, Photoshop software training, photo exhibitions, participated international salon exhibitions as group and won many awards. Some of the field trips included Yellowstone, Southwest of U.S., China, Turkey, Greece, etc. Since the 2019 pandemic, CPS has conducted Zoom education twice a week. In addition, CPS provided community services, which included free Senior Portraits services, participated street fairs, etc.
We welcome you to join CPS. The requirements to join:
- Anyone who loves photographic art, agree with CPS mission statement can apply for its membership. Once the Board of Directors approves, you become a member.
- Submit $60 before January 1 each year.
- Members must follow CPS rules, Board of Directors reserves the right to cancel membership.
- Membership benefits: may participate all CPS conducted activities, many of which are free of charges.
Submit an Application for Membership 線上申請
To submit a membership application, please either fill in and send the PDF membership form to us OR fill in the form below and click the “Submit” button.
There is a $60 yearly membership to cover club costs. Please see below for payment details.
Online Membership Application Form
Membership Dues Payment
There is a $60 yearly membership to cover club costs. Please submit the payment before March 1 to maintain in good standing. You can pay the fee either in cash or with a check in person, or you can pay CPS now using PayPal, by clicking the “Buy Now” button below.