Since 2017, CPS has been providing various services in our community. Among these services, our Vice President Frank Jang, Vice President Tina Waycie and Advisor Paul Tsang led the Senior Portrait Project. In this project, we provide the portrait photograph service in many senior houses throughout the San Francisco Bay Area or the San Francisco street fairs. This service includes the 5×7 portrait photo print free of charge to seniors. This service was not interrupted even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This service is well received by our community and government as well as many non-profit entities. For example, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has been providing hard board photo frames without charge. Since last year, Vice President Frank Jang represented CPS applying for grants. The grants we have received so far are listed below:
1. $1000 from City of San Francisco Portsmouth in August, 2022.
2. $200 from Onlok in December, 2022.
3. $1170 from Network of Good in December, 2022
4. $1235 from Network of Good in March, 2023
5. $2000 from SHARP in April, 2023
6. $2870 from Network of Good in May, 2023.
The above listed grants received totaled to $8475. The financial support we received indicates the recognition of our community services. The effort of this community services is tremendous, which include before, during and after the service delivery.
Before the service, we need to contact the senior houses where services are needed, coordinate the schedule and places, recruit volunteers, prepare for cameras, flash lights, computer, software, Wi-Fi, electric outlet, printers and ink, printing paper, etc. During the service, we need photographers, background set up, customer service, photo processors, printing,and distributing photos. After the service, we process the photos that had not been processed on site, and deliver back to the service sites. We also need to replenish the supplies such as batteries, ink, paper, etc.
That said, we applaud for all of our volunteers who selflessly giving their valuable time and talent for our community services. We also need volunteers, for those of you who are interested in helping, please contact Vice President Tina Waycie via CPS email.
華藝新聞: 2023年7月社區服務小結
華藝從2017年至今,由副會長Frank Jang,Tina Waycie與顧問Paul Tsang發起及帶領的Senior Portrait Project持續為社區服務。每年堅持在三藩市灣區不同的老人公寓及在三藩市街會為長者免費拍攝與打印5×7吋人像照片。在疫情期間也沒有停止服務。
這項服務受到社區的極大歡迎,也獲得不少組織的財務支助。例如美國退休人士組織(American Association of Retired Persons AARP)長期捐贈照片的封套。另外,從去年開始,Frank Jang副會長代表華藝向多個政府與非牟利機構申請財務支助(grants)並獲得撥款。
1. 2022年8月收到由三藩市港口(City of San Francisco Portsmouth)撥款$1000
2. 2022年12月收到Onlok撥款$200
3. 2022年12月收到Network of Good撥款$1170
4. 2023年3月收到Network of Good撥款$1235
5. 2023年4月收到SHARP撥款$2000
6. 2023年5月收到Network of Good撥款$2870
我們需要大量的義工不斷加入社區服務的行列。有意加入者可與Tina Waycie副會長在會員群或公開聯絡。