A trip to Africa is every photographer’s dream trip, with stunning scenery, wildlife and culture. That’s what 24 members of CPS and 4 friends experienced this year, after the pandemic ended. Led by CPS Advisor Mr. Youmans Hsiong and Vice President Tony Kwan, we visited Kenya from August 4th to 15th and captured amazing images.
We are so grateful to Mr. Youmans Hsiong for making this trip possible. He started planning a year ago and took care of everything: the itinerary, the travel and hotel bookings, the visa, the photo and clothing equipment list, the vaccination and medicines requirements, and more. He also managed the communication with the drivers and tour guides as well as our group members during the trip, with the help of Board Member Ms. Maggie Jang.
We had a blast on our trip! Besides doing all the fun activities we planned, we also visited a nearby Maasai village and took some awesome photos of the Maasai tribe and its culture. Some of us even got to ride in a hot air balloon and see the amazing scenery and animals from above. It was such a cool experience!
There were 28 of us, and we split into seven groups. We rode in 4x4s the whole time and snapped tons of photos of stunning scenery, fascinating animals, vibrant cultures and compelling stories. Some of us got creative and made monochrome versions of our photos, and posted them on 1X.com. Some of them won gallery awards from the site!
Here are some of the pictures we took for you to see. We hope you like them as much as we do. We have more photos to show you later, either online or in person show and tell. We can’t wait to share them with you.
Photographing landscape and wildlife as well as cultural characteristics in Africa is a dream of almost every photographer. This dream had been realized this year after 3-year worldwide pandemic. Co-organized by CPS Advisor Mr. Youmans Hsiong and Vice President Tony Kwan, 24 members and 4 friends, a total of 28 people, went to Kenya, Africa from August 4th through 15th.
A very special thanks goes to Mr. Youmans Hsiong, who planned this trip almost a year ago. The planning included plotting the itinerary, travel and hotel reservations, obtaining visa, preparing photographic gears and clothing, vaccination and medicines, etc. During the trip, Mr. Hsiong coordinated with drivers and tour guides and all of our members with Board Member Ms. Maggie Jang’s assistance.
The specific itinerary for the 12-day trip is:
Day 1 Amboseli National park – Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
Day 2 Amboseli National park – Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
Day 3 Amboseli National park – Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
Day 4 Lake Naivasha – Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge
Day 5 Lake Bogoria national reserve – Spa Resort Bogoria
Day 6 lake Nakuru National park – Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge
Day 7 lake Nakuru National park – Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge
Day 8 Maasai mara national reserve – Tipilikwani Camp
Day 9 Maasai mara national reserve – Tipilikwani Camp
Day 10 Maasai mara national reserve – Mara Serena Safari Lodge
Day 11 Maasai mara national reserve – Mara Serena Safari Lodge
Day 12 Back to nairobi.
In addition to the activities listed above, we also went to the local village for local and cultural photography. Most of us also took the hot air balloon ride to enjoy the wildlife and the beautiful landscape from the aerial view.
28 of us divided into 7 groups ridding in the 4-wheel Drive vehicles during the entire trip. We took countless photos of landscape, wildlife, local culture and journalism. Some of us did some artistic process, e. g. monochrome process, and posted in 1X.com, some of which won gallery awards.
We display a few of the images here for all views to enjoy. More images will be sharing via either CPS Zoom meeting or in- person shall and tell.
在此特別嗚謝熊泳渝顧問總領隊在近一年前已經開始籌備此行程。整個過程包括行程制定、旅程計劃、酒店安排、簽證、打預防針等問題的解答、攝影器材裝備與衣食住行的計劃、收費並跨國轉帳等,大小事情無不親力親為。在旅途中,每天的行程細節也勞心勞力地安排好。董事Maggie Jang也義務協助每天行程細節的協調,使每位團友只需要專心跟著行程,盡情享受旅途樂趣及專心做攝影創作。
行程由2023年8月4日至8月15日, 具體行程如下:
Here is the itinerary for the 12-day trip:
Day 1 Amboseli National park – Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
Day 2 Amboseli National park – Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
Day 3 Amboseli National park – Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge
Day 4 Lake Naivasha – Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge
Day 5 Lake Bogoria national reserve – Spa Resort Bogoria
Day 6 lake Nakuru National park – Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge
Day 7 lake Nakuru National park – Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge
Day 8 Maasai mara national reserve – Tipilikwani Camp
Day 9 Maasai mara national reserve – Tipilikwani Camp
Day 10 Maasai mara national reserve – Mara Serena Safari Lodge
Day 11 Maasai mara national reserve – Mara Serena Safari Lodge
Day 12 Back to nairobi.
在12天的行程中,包括Amboseli、Nakuru、Lake Nakuru國家公園及Lake Naivasha 與Maasai Mara National Reserve. 另外還組織了入當地民俗村拍攝人文,乘坐熱汽球在空中欣賞草原動物風光。團友們四人一部車共七輛越野車同行。拍攝的作品包括風光、野生動物、人文與新聞記實。有些會友還馬上把照片提升為藝術作品如單色照片,作品也在1X.com平台獲獎。
以下展示團友們精選出來的部分作品,更多的作品將在華藝會內組織Show and Tell與會員通過Zoom或現埸分享。
scripted by Henry Jang, Ken Wu and Donna Hom
Group Photo

Changlin Huang 黃暢林

Changlin Huang 黃暢林

Changlin Huang 黃暢林

Zhihui Dong 董志奎

Zhihui Dong 董志奎

Zhihui Dong 董志奎

Zhihui Dong 董志奎

Donna Hom 丹菁

Donna Hom 丹菁

Donna Hom 丹菁

Donna Hom 丹菁

Donna Hom 丹菁

Edward Chan 陳家華

Edward Chan 陳家華

Edward Chan 陳家華

Edward Chan 陳家華

Esmond Lo 羅希韻

Esmond Lo 羅希韻

Esmond Lo 羅希韻

Esmond Lo 羅希韻

Etherea Kwan 鍾麗萍

Etherea Kwan 鍾麗萍

Etherea Kwan 鍾麗萍

Etherea Kwan 鍾麗萍

Henry Jang 鄭向陽

Henry Jang 鄭向陽

Henry Jang 鄭向陽

Henry Jang 鄭向陽





Janice Zhou 周娟娟

Janice Zhou 周娟娟

Janice Zhou 周娟娟

Janice Zhou 周娟娟

Jennifer Chan 陳佩芳

Jennifer Chan 陳佩芳

Jennifer Chan 陳佩芳

Jennifer Chan 陳佩芳

Jiahong Zeng 曾嘉鴻

Jiahong Zeng 曾嘉鴻

Jiahong Zeng 曾嘉鴻

Jiahong Zeng 曾嘉鴻

Jieping Huang 平靜

Jieping Huang 平靜

Jieping Huang 平靜

Jieping Huang 平靜

Jin Chen 陳錦輝

Jin Chen 陳錦輝

Jin Chen 陳錦輝

Jin Chen 陳錦輝

Johnson Huang 黃家煊

Johnson Huang 黃家煊

Johnson Huang 黃家煊

Johnson Huang 黃家煊

Joyce Lam 林玉芳

Joyce Lam 林玉芳

Joyce Lam 林玉芳

Joyce Lam 林玉芳

Ken Wu 伍兆傑

Ken Wu 伍兆傑

Ken Wu 伍兆傑

Ken Wu 伍兆傑

Maggie Jang 霍敏瑜

Maggie Jang 霍敏瑜

Maggie Jang 霍敏瑜

Maggie Jang 霍敏瑜

Mazzie Ng 黃美絲

Mazzie Ng 黃美絲

Mazzie Ng 黃美絲

Mazzie Ng 黃美絲

Peter Ma 馬興傑

Peter Ma 馬興傑

Peter Ma 馬興傑

Peter Ma 馬興傑

Szetolock 司徒洛欽

Szetolock 司徒洛欽

Szetolock 司徒洛欽

Szetolock 司徒洛欽

Szetolock 司徒洛欽

Szetolock 司徒洛欽

Thomas Ng 吳永輝

Thomas Ng 吳永輝

Thomas Ng 吳永輝

Thomas Ng 吳永輝

Tony Kwan 關文潛

Tony Kwan 關文潛

Tony Kwan 關文潛

Tony Kwan 關文潛

Xuhui Huang 黃旭暉

Xuhui Huang 黃旭暉

Xuhui Huang 黃旭暉

Xuhui Huang 黃旭暉

Youmans Hsiong 熊泳渝

Youmans Hsiong 熊泳渝

Youmans Hsiong 熊泳渝

Youmans Hsiong 熊泳渝